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Friday, March 21, 2025

Tag: euthanasia

Can We Balance the Right to Die with Valuing the Gift of Life?

The U.S. has fallen woefully short of providing an ecology of care for those most in need. And I have fallen short of creating an ecology of care for my loved ones, including the one who took their own life. What more might have I done to support this person, to assure this person that their life was a gift of great value?

Judaism and euthanasia: Can you save a life by taking it?

The recent fuss regarding Brittany Maynard’s decision to end her life made me wonder about Jewish views on euthanasia.

It’s a personal choice

The conscious choice to allow life to end by voluntary withdrawal of medication is a personal choice for the individual to make. I have no more right to tell someone they must continue to suffer “in hope” of a cure than I have to tell someone they should leave to make room for the rest of the population.

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