The news cycle since then has been full of stories about pro-Palestine student protests on college campuses across the country. These stories are growing increasingly complex with moving parts that can be difficult to follow. In a world that is so politically divisive, this provides us with a great opportunity to practice nuance.
In a recent survey, 66 percent of Americans supported an immediate ceasefire as a step toward peace and justice for both Palestinians and Israelis. Unfortunately, our elected officials aren’t listening — yet.
The Peace & Justice Action League of Spokane (PJALS) is holding its 14th annual action conference Sept. 28 – 30. The conference is designed to help activists “sharpen skills, deepen analysis and strengthen relationships.”
I have never seen anything like our current anti-Semitic climate. Jews understand this dynamic in the same way Black Americans understand racism in ways white Americans cannot. We know the dog whistles, the coded language that anti-Semites use to signal their hate.
The latest violent flare up in Israel, a short but intense fight between Israeli defense forces and Hamas terrorists that ended in a cease fire last week, has complicated life for American Jewry and has fed growing domestic anti-Semitism
In the days following the vandalism there was considerable teeth gnashing in Spokane, the usual “this is not us,” or “hopes and prayers,” and so on. But I doubt there is a Jew in our community who was surprised by the vandalism – or found much comfort in the expressions of sympathy and concern.