During Sept. 21 – 28, as part of the Festival of Arts in West Central, Pastor Eric Blauer of Jacob's Well Church will be hosting the Phone Pix Urban Liturgy Art Project and is seeking submissions.
“The Phone Pix ‘Urban Liturgy” Art Project is an outgrowth of my last six years of living on mission as a church planter, family man, artist and urban vagabond in East Central Spokane,” he said.
He's looking specifically for photos taken anywhere in Spokane “where you have discovered beauty in unlikely places.”
“This art project is designed to capture, cultivate and celebrate the beautiful in our tougher neighborhoods. So snap some pictures, Instagram them or send them to me and I will gather them all up for the art show and let every visitor see these neighborhoods through new eyes,” Blauer said. “As someone who seeks to discover, cultivate and celebrate beauty in a community where ugliness is often the result of poverty, addiction, dysfunction and crime, art is a sacred tool in remembering and telling better stories.”
Photos can ben sent to him at [email protected] or through Instagram at #urbanliturgypix.
https://favs.news/blogs/eric-blauerEric Blauer is a SpokaneFAVS blogger.
You can search #urbanliturgypix on Instagram to see the 50+ submissions so far.
Very cool! I’ll pull out Instagram and see what I can do.