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Photo Essay: Chabad of Spokane hosts annual Chanukah Car Parade and Menorah Lighting


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Photo Essay: Chabad of Spokane hosts annual Chanukah Car Parade and Menorah Lighting

Photo Essay by Gen Heywood | FāVS News

Chanukah Car Parade

Rain did not stop Chabad of Spokane from performing their annual Chanukah Car Parade to light a large menorah in Riverfront Park on Dec. 29.

Rabbi Yisroel Hahn, who leads the Chabad, distributed battery-powered menorahs to participants at Ferris High School where the parade began. Drivers mounted the menorahs on their vehicles, which, once lit, displayed “Happy Chanukah” messages to onlookers along the route.

Participants smiled and waved as the illuminated procession made its way through downtown Spokane.

chanukah car parade
Chabad of Spokane Chanukah Car Parade participate places menorah on top of his vehicle. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
chanukah car parade
Several participants preparing their vehicles for the Chanukah Car Parade. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
chanukah car parade
The final look of the “Happy Chanukah” menorahs on some of the vehicles before heading out. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Onlookers arrived at Riverfront park near the menorah to wait for Hahn and the car parade participants.

chanukah car parade
A crowd gathered waiting see the “Happy Chanukah” menorahs on the cars drive by on Spokane Falls Boulevard in front of Riverfront Park. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
chanukah car parade
Drivers in the car parade start making their way downtown to park and participate in lighting the menorah set up at Riverfront Park. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
chanukah car parade
People stand by and wait to see the “Happy Chanukah” menorahs on the cars drive by on Spokane Falls Boulevard in front of Riverfront Park. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
chanukah car parade
Chabad of Spokane’s truck brightly announcing “Happy Chanukah” downtown Spokane. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Menorah lighting

As the menorah got prepared for the ceremony, the Riverfront Park crowd welcomed Hahn. After his arrival, he greeted the group and offered to light their candles. Then he climbed the ladder and lit the candles on top of the giant metal menorah, which has graced downtown for several years during this annual event.

Once the candles were lit, he closed the ceremony with a prayer.

Menorah Lighting
Someone sets up the menorah “candles” before Hahn lights them. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Rabbi Yisorel Hahn greets the crowd and gives a message of hope and light. He cautions the crowd the menorah may not stay lit in the rain. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
People come forward to light candles of their own from Hahn’s stick. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
More people come forward to light candles of their own from Hahn’s stick. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn climbs the ladder and begins lighting the menorah. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn continues lighting the menorah. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn continues lighting the menorah. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn continues lighting the menorah. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn lights the final candle. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Menorah Lighting
Hahn closes the menorah lighting with prayer. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Gen Heywood
Gen Heywood
Rev. Gen Heywood has been active in parish ministry for more than 30 years. From small towns to big cities, she always lets the needs of the community and the congregation be her guide. Gen credits the supportive leadership of Veradale United Church of Christ for including her work to overcome racism, poverty, the war economy and ecological devastation as part of her ministry. “Veradale UCC is a small church with a powerful faith. They are the reason I can be a witness for a world where we do justice, live with compassion and walk humbly with the Divine.” Gen grew up in rural Maine. She received a B.A. in Music Therapy and German from Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts, and her M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a lifelong learner who lives in Spokane Valley, Washington, with her three dogs, as well as, sometimes, with her amazing young adult children.

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