If a politician touts his religion as a reason to vote for him/her I will run as quickly as possible in the opposite direction.
In today’s high money-world of political campaigns many will say whatever is convenient to woo the money and then the votes. In the past there were backroom deals and pandering to get the favors needed for the endorsement of a party, today I believe those deals have moved to the boardroom and the deals are made for the money which pays for the advertising.
I want to know if the candidate is going to do what is best for the area; city, county, state, or country or are they going to work from a narrow set of beliefs that are not a true reflection of today’s society. The world is changing at an astronomical rate and I can’t support anyone that is enmeshed in one belief. I have as much difficulty with a one issue voter or an individual that refuses to even look at and try to understand ideas that do not completely support their own.