30.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Sophia Kesler

Sophia Kesler is a lifelong intersectional feminist. She has been Pagan most of her adult life and is looking forward to sharing her faith and knowledge about Paganism with the SpokaneFāVS community. Kessler is a freelance copy editor, freelance internet research specialist and an aspiring novelist. When she’s not writing, reading or exploring her faith, she can be found learning how to be a better kitchen witch without making a mess.

Ask A Pagan: Pagans and Magic

The shortest answer to your question is that not all Pagans practice magic, and not all those who practice magic are Pagan.

The Pagan Struggle with Spring

My struggle is with St. Patrick’s Day, which precedes Ostara by a few days. Very few facts are known about St. Patrick, so who he was and what he did are debatable, but he is often celebrated by Christians for ridding Ireland of Paganism and/or Pagans.

Ask A Pagan: Are my values the result of moral decisions?

What do you want to ask a Pagan?  Fill out the form below or submit your question online.  By Sophia Kesler My question  Since we are...

Imbolc: Transitioning into Spring

Many Pagans celebrate a holiday on or around Feb. 2. Most call it Imbolc, and it is traditionally seen as the transition from winter to spring.

Finding comfort in Winter Solstice Prayer

In college, I realized that I’m Pagan. Pagan worship revolves around many cyclical patterns: times of the day, phases of the moon, and seasons of the year.

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