50.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Patricia Bruininks

Patty Bruininks grew up in northeast Tennessee. She left the South to attend college in Michigan and graduated from Hope College. She pursued her doctoral work in social psychology at the University of Oregon, becoming a lifelong Ducks fan. Before moving to Spokane, she taught for five years at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas. Now at Whitworth, she teaches courses on the psychology of poverty and consumerism as well as a course on love and forgiveness. She also studies and conducts research on the emotion of hope. Dr. B (as her students call her) is married to Mr. B (Jim); she has two grown sons, two daughters-in-law, one granddaughter, and a rescue dog. Her hobbies include camping, photography, and spinning. She is in her 13th year at Whitworth University as a Professor of Psychology.

There’s hope for reconciling science and religion

It would appear that religion and science are at war with each other. As a Christian behavioral scientist, this both frustrates and saddens me.

Ferguson’s Pain

Sadly, there have been other recent stories about black men losing their lives due to the unwarranted perception of threat they have posed. But I have read more stories coming from Ferguson that speak to the deep, psychological effects of racism that hurt individuals and communities of color.

Huckleberries: The Anti-Consumer Fruit

Like many Northwesterners, I recently participated in the summer ritual of picking huckleberries. It is a last hurrah of the season, drawing us northward and upward, into the woods; or to a ditch on the side of the road.

What my tattoo says about my journey with Christianity

On my right shoulder blade. At the Missing Piece studio. These are two answers to the question, “Where did you get it?”, which is often asked after being informed that I have a tattoo.

Piety and Patriotism, Perversion and Power

Love of God. Love of Country. As we approach Independence Day, we become cognizant of the way these sentiments intersect.

Reconnecting with nature…and with people

I began my summer break by reconnecting with nature. Actually, I began my summer break filling up at five gas stations in order to drive 1,100 miles to Sequoia National Park where thousands of others also decided to reconnect with nature.

Patricia Bruininks

Patty Bruininks grew up in northeast Tennessee. She left the South to attend Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, eventually graduating from nearby Hope College.

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