47.6 F
Monday, March 3, 2025

Julia Hayes

Presently Julia Hayes is a hobby organic farmer living one of the most traditional roles she can imagine; stay at home mama, full-time cook and housekeeper, seamstress extraordinaire, boo-boo fixer-upper, and constant child negotiator and mediator.

Why God Not Goddess? Part 3

We are reminded that to celebrate divine wisdom, strength, courage, nurturing and compassion in a Goddess is to celebrate that within ourselves.

Why God? Why Not Goddess? Part 2

Don’t let me fool you by the confident tenor I espouse when saying, Now is the time for the Goddess.

Why God? Why not Goddess?

I know there’s a balance between God and Goddess and my point of view disrupts that harmony.

Celebrating the Divine Feminine Body

The divine expression is truly infinite and I want to spend a year discussing, embracing, and elevating the holy feminine body.

A Goddess’ aspirations for 2015

Winter Solstice was the celebrated end of two years as a spiritual guardian — a witness to the spiritual pursuits and development of a growing community of women that gathers on my farm once a month.

Recognizing the beauty of the the pagan Mabon celebration

Mabon, an important celebration for pagans, particularly Wiccans, is upon us. Mabon is the Autumn Equinox (Sept. 21) — when day light hours, symbolic of God power, and dark night hours, symbolic of Goddess power are equal.

Seeking wisdom

My perspective on wisdom may not be very pagan, but I don’t think wisdom can be defined by a perspective outside of itself.

Must read