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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Francesca Nevil

Francesca Nevil is a sophomore student at Gonzaga University studying International Relations and Sociology with minors in Social Justice and Leadership. She is originally from Wenatchee and grew up in the valley engaging in all seasons of recreational activity with friends and family. She has a very strong faith life and holds her Christian identity at the center of who she believes and is. Meeting new people and engaging in different cultures brings her the most joy, hence she loves to travel. Nevil spent a year following high school graduation on a solo backpacking trip through Europe, then spent four months immersed in Costa Rican culture. Further, she thinks becoming culturally aware and religiously literate are of the utmost importance, so when she received a Wolff Fellow position partnering with SpokaneFāVS she said she was ecstatic.

Forgiveness in the Political Sphere…Not a joke

As a university student, and a strong person of faith I want to take a moment to remind us all, active citizens of this nation we call home, of the one seemingly most overlooked and underappreciated practice: Forgiveness. Specifically, forgiveness in politics. 

The Underestimated Power of Prayer

Many people have commented that prayer in light of horrendous tribulation is pointless, and what is most needed is action.

Must read