Corbin Croy was born in Spokane and grew up in Post Falls. In 1998 he got married at the age of 18 and moved to Coeur d’Alene. Together they have four children, and try to live as simply and honestly as possible.
I have to believe that unity must mean something more than one group being right and working tirelessly to get the other group join their side. It has to transcend my own limits as a liberal-leaning Christian, and it has to transcend the limits of conservative Christians as well.
Don Quixote reveals to us a rather unfortunate side effect of strong belief. A person can be as genuine and sincere as a noble knight, but at the end of the day is really only making a fool of himself.
I would love to do nothing more than highlight one of these examples to show how the Bible really does have heroic women in its pages, but I still find that I cannot in good conscience do this.
I do want to note, however, why the Gospels have serious flaws in them when considering their material for historicity, especially when it comes to the resurrection.