What is “emo,” you ask? And who is Paramore? They are a pop punk band from Franklin, Tenn. Paramore is frontwoman and lead vocalist Heyley Williams, guitarist Taylor York and bassist Jeremy Davis. Heyley told NPR Weekend Edition Sunday “emo” stands for emotion.
John Bunyan’s famous work "The Pilgrim’s Progress" pictures a man raking filth while an angel tries to crown him with eternal glory. The angel repeatedly calls him to “Look up,” but the man is so intent on muck that he doesn’t see the angel or the crown. Bunyan’s originally intended to impress upon his readers the hope of their salvation rather than the cares of this world, but the image has been reused many times since then, often referring to writers who work in the journalistic mud.
Raze the City, a band formed by guitarist Mike Nielsen and Christian singer Chelsey Heidenreich, performed at Carr’s Corner in downtown Spokane Saturday night. The bar on the corner of 3rd and Washington was purchased and resurrected just three years ago as a live music venue, bringing in acts from all over the Northwest. Carr’s supports local artists by not charging for their performance, allowing newer groups an affordable venue.
While many in the Spokane area worshipped in various religious services Sunday morning, I ran the St. Paddy’s Five. Running is more than just an athletic event, it’s a celebration of community; it’s a place to be accepted for who I am.
Just five centuries ago, nobody would have predicted the astounding prosperity of the Western nations today. In the year 1500 the average Chinese person was richer than the typical American.
But what about the minds that made the cell phone? If a cell phone has billions of transistors, your brain has hundreds of billions of tiny neurons, many multiples more than the most complex computer has transistors. Each neuron has tens of thousands of complex interconnections.
Those behind Fearless Productions are young, but that hasn’t stopped them from dreaming big. Their project, called Equation, is a sci-fi film with a Christian Gospel message.