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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Blaine Stum

Blaine Stum is a 30-something-year-old native of the Spokane area who was raised in Spokane Valley. He graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor's degree in political science. He works in the local political arena and has been involved in LGBT non-profit work for several years.

To Brad Crelia: Rest in peace

When I first met Brad Crelia, I could tell he was unique. He was part nerd, part hipster and part politico.

Three Political Myths You Might Believe, Part 1

Like any field, there is no shortage of myths in politics. They are repeated ad nauseum by journalists, talk show hosts, activists and bloggers

“New” Atheism and Islam

Among the so-called "New" Atheists, few topics have seen so much ink spilled, and so many words spoken, as the supposed threat of Islam. Since 9/11, the religion has become a favorite whipping post for atheist authors, speakers and thinkers to argue the harm that comes with religious belief.

Police Militarization in Spokane

Welcome to the world of militarized police. Fueled by cash and handouts from the federal government's racist War on Drugs, local police departments across the country have been not-so-slowly collecting military grade weaponry and equipment to unleash in raids and standoffs.

ISIS and the Failure of the American Intervention

In an ominous video posted to the Internet in June, fighters for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (al-Dawlah al-Islāmiyyah fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham) taunt unarmed members of the Iraqi security forces.

Rediscovering the importance of Labor Day

A depression swept the country. Five hundred banks closed down; 15,000 businesses failed. Unemployment rates in major cities reached 20 percent or more.

Income inequality exists in Spokane

In 2012, the median household income for the census tract that covers the downtown core of Spokane was $16,503. Low income apartments dot the urban landscape. Retired seniors, the disabled and the working poor stroll outside their apartment buildings.

Must read