“…while there have been many churches in the community who are beacons of hope for the impoverished, there seems to be no movement in unified action from ALL faith communities.”
– R. Skyler Oberst
“…while there have been many churches in the community who are beacons of hope for the impoverished, there seems to be no movement in unified action from ALL faith communities.”
– R. Skyler Oberst
Sadly enough, you are right. Many people participate in their religions not for the good of all, or for the benefit of the poor, oppressed, widowed and orphaned but for their own personal salvation as if one person could be saved (from whatever) without everyone else also being saved. That tends to be the bend of orthodox positions – a concern about personal salvation. Take the Nicene Creed, that is all about otherworldly things and salvation, mentioning only one event and no ideas of Jesus’ message (that he was tortured, put to death and died.
It’s hard to know where to start with this one! I guess I’ll say, as a bible believing Christian, I’ve discovered that God is primarily at work in the world for His own glory, it’s not about me. But, on the other hand, He does come to speak to individuals about their alienation from Him, first of all. We can’t help anyone else until we receive a new heart from Him that is capable of true, selfless service to others. This new relationship, according to Him does include eternal life in a new place He is creating, free from all the ugliness that exists in our world because of our own depravity, and He’s also declared that this does not include everyone. In fact He’s made it clear that it does not even include a majority. I would wager that a majority of whoever reads this might be irked at it, which would fit the pattern. I wan’t sure if you meant that Jesus death was or wasn’t His message, but scripture is full of His declaration that He came to die for our sin, that WAS His mission. We have to start there, then we can truly serve others, not as earning something for it, but out of gratitude to the One who saved us, and promised us that there IS more than this life to gain. 1Co 15:19 If we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most to be pitied.