43.8 F
Sunday, March 16, 2025

Tag: sda

UPDATE: Clues narrow in search for missing man

The search efforts to find Dr. Jay Sloop, the Upper Columbia Conference Health Ministries director who disappeared Tuesday, are ramping up in Kiev. On Wednesday searcher uncovered possible clues to Sloop’s whereabouts and are searching the area today.

Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists gets new president

Elder Paul Hoover has accepted the call to serve as president for the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, according to a press release. He will serve as president following Elder Bob Folkenberg, Jr.’s move to the China Union Mission.

Battle for Planet Earth

As an aspiring science fiction writer, I couldn’t resist checking out this seminar titled “Battle for Planet Earth.”  It was held at the local Post Falls Adventist Church over the weekend.

Must read