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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Tag: meditation

4 ways to launch your meditation practice

Meditation. Where to start? If you don't have a regular practice established in your life already, starting meditation can seem overwhelming.

Thirst: The world is in need of doers

I am currently rereading the book "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse. I read it once and loved it.

Meet SpokaneFAVS poet, Christi Ortiz

Spokane Faith & Values is pleased to welcome a poet to its team of writers.

Christi Ortiz is a licensed marriage and family therapist by profession and a poet by passion, she says.

Breathe, surrender and enhance your prayers, meditation

I think we would all agree that it takes a lot of trust to surrender, or let go of something.

Now without controlling, judging, or changing it, observe your breath.

Labor Day Retreat: Developing Meditative Concentration

A motionless figure seated cross-legged, eyes lowered, and radiating peace: this is, perhaps, the most universal image of Buddhist meditation. It may look simple, but that concentrated state comes from skilled instruction and lots of practice. Sravasti Abbey, a Buddhist monastery in the Tibetan tradition, will offer training and practice during its Labor Day retreat

BRIEF: Meditation marathon to be held next month in Spokane

A meditation marathon will begin at 8 a..m., Sept. 21 at the Spokane Buddhist Temple, and continue through 10:30 a.m., Sept. 22.

The marathon falls on the Fall Equinox, which is also the International Day of Peace.

Ask a Buddhist: What is the key to meditating?

You’ve landed on a central issue for every meditator: what to do with a drifting mind. The question addresses the irony that we have a learning curve to simply be with our experience of being. Meditation is just a circumscribed time of minimal distraction.

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