Discover the significance of Diwali, the festival of lights. Explore the traditions and celebrations of this major Hindu festival celebrated worldwide.
Experience the cultural phenomenon of Diwaloween, where Diwali and Halloween merge in a celebration of dual-belonging. Explore the traditions and unique blend of Indian and Western festivals.
This Ask an Eastern Orthodox Christian column explores what the EOC Church and Church Fathers say about Hinduism, as well as a comparison of the two faiths.
The Spokane Indian Community will be hosting a Holi Celebration on Saturday, March 23, at the Southside Senior and Community Center, 3151 E 27th Ave., on the South Hill.
India Prime Minister Narendra Modi and former President Donald Trump are hyper-nationalists and Islamophobes. Both push fear-driven campaigns based on historical grievances and aversion to foreign religions and ethnicities. A militant Hindu monk has been elected to lead India’s largest state, and he is rabidly anti-Muslim.