49 F
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Tag: god

Detours in life: God’s invitation to an adventure

This winter, on our first day in Kauai, we needed to take a bus to get our rental car, which was an hour away. Luggages beside us, we waited for the bus to arrive. It was a 30-minute wait, and we got to enjoy some warm weather that contrasted greatly to the -4 weather in Pullman.

Poem: Fountain of Being, Fountain of God

Christi Ortiz is SpokaneFāVS' featured poet. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist by profession and a poet by passion. She enjoys trying to put to words to that which is wordless and give voice to the dynamic and wild spiritual journey called life.

Let’s rethink god. Without the monk-ish superstition.

I reject the existence of an all-powerful and all-knowing god if it means abandoning human free will. But does rejecting the god of supernatural theism require the rejection of the reality of god in its entirety? No. But it does require a different understanding of the reality of god and the characteristics of omnipotence and omniscience.

The Concept of Godly Punishment Never Made Sense to Me, and Now I See Why

God lands on the side of love. Maybe it’s us who are confused about why the Christian tradition has settled for controlling its followers with the threat of punishment both here and in eternity.

The Nature of God: An “Unknowable Essence”

We can’t describe the image or nature of God because words fail. They express only the material world: Three dimensions moving through time, itself a yardstick contrived by man, is all we can fathom.

The Grace of God in The Face of Covid

As I compose this article, 2,290,488 deaths have been reported to the World Health Organization. And yet, compared to some events in history, we’re in relatively good shape, which I attribute to God’s grace toward mankind.

POEM: Touched by Fire

As the fire of God burns away all too small to hold God Essence too powerful, too subtle, too pervasive to contain, seeps into All that Is,

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