31.2 F
Monday, February 17, 2025

Tag: gaza

I Stand with Peace

It does not matter if you are pro-Palestinian or pro-Israel. What matters most is humanity and being pro-peace.

I Stand with Israel

Last weekend when I woke up and checked my phone it didn’t feel like a normal Saturday. A hole was created in my chest. When I saw Israel was attacked by Hamas, my heart sank deep in my chest. And it has hit me hard. Way harder than I expected.

Evangelical leaders will travel to Israel to signal their support

Several high-profile evangelical leaders will travel to Israel next week as a part of the “Christians in Solidarity with Israel” trip put together by the National Religious Broadcasters in response to the most recent conflict in Gaza.

BRIEF: Spokane group will rally to tell Israel to cease fire on Gaza

Accrding to the Associated Press, Hamas leader and nearby civilians were killed today in one of at least 20 Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

The news report called it, "the worst barrage on the Palestinian territory in four years in retaliation for renewed rocket fire on southern Israel."

BRIEF: Bowling for water

The Peace and Justice Action League of Spokane has teamed up with the Maia Water Project to buy a water filtration system for the thirsty children of Gaza.

To raise money for this system, the organizations will host a Bowling for Water Fun-draiser on Dec. 1 from 4-6 p.m. at North Bowl.

Must read