While there is much pushback against these more progressive ideas about sexuality, voices across the political spectrum agree that the ways purity has been promoted have often been harmful.
Early in 2013, there was a buzz around the blogosphere regarding the Christian Purity Culture or Abstinence Movement. The authors of these blogs, mostly women in their mid-20s to mid-30s, are seeing in hindsight that the purity pledges they took as teens had far greater consequences that just retaining their virginity.
As many Americans know, sex education has been a part of our children's schooling for years to much debate. Many state that abstinence-only education is the way to go, and even the Obama administration recently added their support to this argument.
The statistics, some evangelicals say, can no longer be ignored.
Eighty percent of young evangelicals have engaged in premarital sex, according to a new video from the National Association of Evangelicals. and almost a third of evangelicals’ unplanned pregnancies end in abortion.