There aren’t pews in first few rows of St. David’s Episcopal Church. Instead, there are several chairs (which match the pews) that can be easily arranged to form a circle. And that’s exactly what happens Sundays at 11 a.m. for the church’s Celtic Eucharist. Rev. Elaine Breckenridge explained that the purpose of a Celtic service is to invite people into an informal worship setting so that spirituality can be explored in a communal setting. The service also includes Celtic music, prayers and readings – all drawn from ecumenical sources. According to a brochure from the church, “Celtic Christianity was and is a ‘way of seeing’ which teaches that God may be found, heard and experienced everywhere in all things.” The Sunday Celtic services are somewhat new to St. David’s, but the monthly services (fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m.) have been around awhile. More information is available at