I have often had a challenge with gratitude lists or talking about what I am thankful for because it seems to come off as shallow.
What really touches my gratitude button is still being alive, and the opportunity to live in such a wonderful country. I live in a place where people from all spiritual paths, cultures and beliefs are able to live in relative peace.
I had the opportunity to serve the country for a number of years and realized I was as devoted to serving those I loved and cherished as well as those that I totally disagreed with. Each of us has the freedom of expression. It is this freedom of expression, the right to be me, and you, that I cherish most deeply. I found it did not matter who was right or wrong, everyone is right in their own mind, but the fact that each person has that right to be an individual or part of the crowd.
When I hear the shouts of wrongdoing, anger, and violence, I can respond with compassion and bring forth love and empathy. When there are problems in the streets I know it may be the expression of frustration, I also know there will be an answer that eventually materializes.
I give thanks that in this country I am able to do my part and really feel like each one of us has the opportunity to make a difference.
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson