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HomeSponsored ContentGood Stewardship: How Faith Motivates Us to Regard All of Creation 

Good Stewardship: How Faith Motivates Us to Regard All of Creation 


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At the heart of human longing is the search for meaning and purpose. It’s truly mind-blowing that we not only have a world before us that gives glory but also a mind that can comprehend it. 

A 2024 report found that American views regarding human origins are still very complex. Whether a creationist or not, we all innately know we’ve been given gifts like life, resources, talents, money, and relationships. Faith takes it a step forward, understanding that such gifts are not just given, but entrusted under our care. 

To an extent, this makes sense because as the adage goes, there is no U-haul behind a hearse, right? The most humbling fact in all of existence is that we don’t even get to keep our bodies at the end of life, but must leave them behind. That’s where the term stewardship comes in. 

From the perspective of faith, this involves caring for all resources entrusted to us for the betterment of creation. It’s a much broader worldview because we’re forced to look beyond ourselves to the whole of life. In this article, we will discuss the role of faith in motivating those who possess it to regard all of creation. 

Creation As a Manifestation of Divine Design 

If we believe that creation has no meaning or purpose, there is no reason to care for the earth or its resources. However, in the eyes of faith, creation is a manifestation of divine design. 

Every atom and cell in this universe has been intricately placed for a specific purpose. As such, all of creation (which is visible) declares the glory of the Divine (although invisible). 

The natural principle that follows here is what we take delight in, we tenderly care for. People of faith treat all of creation, including the natural world, its resources, and its inhabitants as an expression of divine glory. This compels them to be a good steward of their personal belongings in particular and the world’s resources at large. 

The Several Faces of Poor Stewardship 

Now, we realize that faith is not the sole motivator for good stewardship. Many folks are desirous of caring for the natural world due to reasons like – 

  • An intrinsic love for nature 
  • A sense of responsibility for future generations 
  • An urge to protect biodiversity 
  • A realization of how a healthy ecosystem contributes to a clean living environment 

However, ethical reasons are often at the top of the list. That doesn’t mean there won’t be striking examples of poor stewardship. Most of them are a direct result of becoming desensitized to the beauty and sanctity of creation. 

Let’s look at some of its ugly faces – 

  • Deforestation or large-scale clearing of forests 
  • Harvesting fish at unsustainable rates 
  • Polluting the environment through harmful substances like industrial waste, plastics, and chemicals 
  • Excessive extraction of natural resources 
  • Unsustainable farming practices 
  • Ignoring climate change 

Something seemingly harmless like failing to clean up pet waste properly can be called an act of poor stewardship. This is due to how toxic it can be for the environment, other animals, and even humans. 

Scoop Soldiers shares that pet waste may contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes that contaminate water sources and become an environmental pollutant. Now, it can be tempting to reason that a single plastic bag or one-time poor handling of pet waste or earth’s resources cannot cause much harm. 

That’s a flawed line of thinking for at least two major reasons – 

  • What if all eight billion of us were to think this way? Perhaps that is exactly what has led us to the current state of climate change and degradation. 
  • The more you defer doing the right thing, the more you will keep on deferring. It’s a gradual but steady slope of backsliding that seems almost impossible to turn from. No wonder landfills keep on piling with waste and consumers still rush for a Black Friday sale. 

Faith Without Works is Dead: Actionable Steps to Take 

Of all people, those with faith have the least excuse to stay complacent about the world. Do you believe that we do not inherit this world from our ancestors but borrow it from our children? If yes, then it’s time to be a good steward and take actionable steps. 

Reduce Food Waste 

According to the World Economic Forum (WEF), worldwide natural resource consumption is expected to increase by 60% by 2060. At current levels, especially with climate change, the world won’t be able to keep up. 

Even if we had plenty, wastage in itself points towards a deeper issue – lack of gratitude and the lust for more. Since food is also a precious gift, it must be stewarded wisely. Here are some ways of reducing food wastage – 

  • Be thoughtful while eating out. Reconsider the all-you-can-eat buffet; take only what you can eat as you can always take more. 
  • Don’t waste any leftovers; remember the miracle of the loaves and fishes. Feed leftovers to animals and share with hungry people as well. 
  • Prepare a shopping list and stick to it. Use up what you purchase before restocking any item or produce. 
  • Label your leftovers so that you know which foods need to be used first. 

Take Care of Animals 

This is a general exhortation but undoubtedly begins with any pets in your home. Yes, animals are cute and innocent. They evoke a feeling of love and protection naturally. 

As image bearers, we are called to regard the life of our beasts. Faith aims at never being a stumbling block to anybody. Man was given the authority over creation, not to just rule but also to steward it well. 

Let’s look at ways you can take care of animals – 

  • Treat them with kindness as a sign of reverence for the Divine. If you do witness any form of mistreatment, be a voice for the voiceless and protect the vulnerable. 
  • Provide for the basic needs of your pets and any strays in the vicinity. This includes food, water, and occasional veterinary care. 
  • Clean up after your pet. As mentioned earlier, this will indirectly keep them and others safe. Simply doing that won’t be enough because the microbes can stay on the soil’s surface for months. You need expert help with sanitization. Are you wondering, “Will I find reliable services for pet waste removal near me?” The good thing is that most states have provisions for professional poop cleanup. 
  • Support responsible breeding practices through spaying and neutering. Also, consider cross and selective breeding to produce desirable traits in the offspring. 
  • Another way to promote animal welfare is by being conscious while consuming animal products. Are we suggesting a total plant-based diet? Only if it works for you. What’s most important is that food is seen as a part of Divine provision instead of gluttonous pleasure. 

Save Water 

Not only is this world suffering from food wastage, but also water. According to a 2023 Statista report, an average US family of four used up nearly 400 gallons of water per day. That’s a significant rise since the 1950s for the same number of people. 

UNESCO states that roughly 50% of the world’s population faces acute water scarcity. Love for one’s neighbor motivates us to downsize so that others might upgrade. From that standpoint, does it make sense to drown yourself in choices of flavored water when some don’t have any for basic sustenance? 

We must save water, for the sake of the environment, ecosystems, and human health. Here are ways to do so – 

  • Whenever you use a dishwasher, make sure it is fully loaded. 
  • Do not let the tap run at any time, especially while brushing your teeth. 
  • Wash only full loads of laundry or use appropriate water level and load size selections. 
  • Consider using a commercial car wash that uses recycled water. 
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that fixing any leaks is also an effective way to save water. After all, minor leaks can quickly add up and waste gallons of water. 

These are just three basic areas we have covered. Being a good steward of the earth involves intimate care of several areas, like reducing air pollution and breaking free from plastic habits.

The essence of good stewardship is about returning to the traditional way of life, as far as possible. Despite the damage mankind has caused, it’s a miracle and privilege that the earth continues to yield its strength. However, the door of probation will not stay open forever. 

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