This month Gonzaga University will host the Washington Higher Education Sustainability Conference. The public event is titled, “Caring for Our Common Home,” a reference to “Laudato Sí,” Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical on the environment.
Faculty, staff and students from nearly 30 Northwest universities and leaders of sustainable businesses will present a wide variety of sessions on academics, engagement, leadership, and operations.
“We look forward to celebrating our Jesuit, Catholic, humanistic practice of caring for creation with our campus colleagues,” Gonzaga’s Director of Sustainability Jim Simon said in a press release.
Gonzaga has been recognized numerous times for sustainability.
Simon and Gonzaga President Thayne McCulloh will open the conference Feb. 16 before a blessing from Melodi Wynne, a consultant for Spokane Tribal history and culture curriculum development. Educator, environmentalist, and author Mitch Thomashow will discuss “The Nine Elements of a Sustainable Campus,” the first keynote lecture.
Friday will begin with an early yoga session led by Lisa Silvestri, assistant professor of communication studies at Gonzaga and a certified yoga instructor, followed by a second keynote presentation from Beth Robinette, founder of Lazy R Ranch and co-founder of LINC Foods.
The event will take place in the Hemmingson ballroom Feb. 16-17. For more information and a full conference schedule, visit Registration is $50 for students and $200 for nonstudents.