A new survey reports more than a quarter of white evangelical Protestants believe a QAnon conspiracy theory that purports former President Donald Trump is secretly battling a cabal of pedophile Democrats, and roughly half express support for the debunked claim that antifa was responsible for the recent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
The head of the Federal Election Commission chastised Catholic bishops during a pair of interviews this week, accusing church hierarchy of “hiding behind” their nonprofit status and declaring that this year’s U.S. election amounts to a “spiritual war” that threatens the country’s “Christian moral principles.”
But tucked inside the legislation changing the flag was a peculiar mandate. "The new design for the Mississippi state flag recommended by the commission shall not include the design of the Confederate flag, but shall include the words 'In God We Trust,'" the act reads.
A conservative law firm launched a “ReOpen Church Sunday” initiative this week, calling on churches to begin gathering in person again despite reports of the deadly novel coronavirus being spread during worship services.
Utah senator and Republican Mitt Romney voted to convict President Donald Trump of abuse of power, explaining he was compelled to do so in part by his faith as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.