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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

David Gibson

David Gibson is an award-winning religion journalist, author and filmmaker. He is a national reporter for RNS and has written two books on Catholic topics, the latest a biography of Pope Benedict XVI.

Forget Santa Claus. Was there a Jesus Christ?

In the end, whatever version you believed, or disbelieved, Christmas — and Christianity — remained a fact of life because Christ was a real person. Or was he?

5 reasons why we want to believe Jesus was married

Another day, another stunning blockbuster report that … Jesus was married! And to Mary Magdalene!

Archbishop Chaput blasts Vatican debate on family, says ‘confusion is of the devil’

Philadelphia Archbishop Charles Chaput, a leading culture warrior in the U.S. hierarchy, says he was “very disturbed” by the debate over church teachings on gays and remarried Catholics at this month’s Vatican summit, saying it sent a confusing message and “confusion is of the devil.”

Pope Francis wanted open debate. With clashing cardinals, he’s got it

Leading up to a Vatican summit on family life that Pope Francis opens on Sunday (Oct. 5), high-ranking churchmen have fiercely debated church teaching — and criticized each other — in sharp exchanges that offer a ringside seat to the kind of battles that Rome used to keep under wraps.

New ‘Nuns on the Bus’ tour to tackle political ‘dark money’

The issue has come to be identified with the wealthy industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch, whose huge contributions to conservative political causes have raised concerns about the role of “dark money” on elections.

Is James Foley a martyr? A brutal death sparks a faith-based debate

From the moment news broke that U.S. journalist James Foley had been beheaded by Islamic State extremists in the Middle East, many Christians, especially Foley’s fellow Catholics, began calling him a martyr, with some even saying he should be considered a saint.

America’s Christian conservatives ponder a ‘Babylonian exile’ (ANALYSIS)

From the moment they set foot on North American soil, the Puritans who came to the continent viewed their “errand into the wilderness” through a biblical lens, seeing themselves as modern-day Israelites building a New Jerusalem in the New World.

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