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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Charles Vaden

Charles R. Vaden was born in Las Vegas, Nevada back when it was a sleepy dusty desert town. After a six year stint in the Marine Corps where he earned the rank of Staff Sargent and served as an Aircrew Survival Instructor during the Vietnam war training pilots how to survive in adverse conditions should they be forced down. Afterward he earned a degree in sociology and minor in psychology and while in school formed the first "Futurist" club, hosted a radio show on KUNV and supported a colleague in the development of a "Solar Powered Lighter-than Airship. "After graduation he spent 15 years in the field of counseling working in adolescent psychiatric, adult drug and alcohol and behavior problem youth at the now internationally renowned Turn-About Ranch in Southern Utah as recommended by Dr. Phil. Vaden is currently developing the interactive matrix of "Star System 5" a tool using Structural Sociology applied to the Kingdom of God on earth so as to develop a working social construct to bring about the social psychology necessary for implementation of the Kingdom.

Where the Buffalo Roam

How often do we pass through life not knowing how we got here?

How to recognize the Kingdom within

On earth we use faith, knowledge and wisdom in an effort to create a more perfect union in the context of a political relationship.

Can the pope snap us out of psychosis?

As Pope Francis reveals the dilemma we face as humanity the lovers of money and the minions thereof will scurry like roaches when the light of truth is turned on and will vehemently defend and deny what does not correlate to a preconceived notion based on the political support of an economic fallacy.

The Scientific and Spiritual Nature of the Universal Power of Light

Most of what consumes mankind is invisible - politics, economics, trading value, religion. The thing sought can be made material, but the drive is invisible. Getting and giving, does it reflect worship in truth and spirit of the creative power of light, or the kingdom as a social structure on earth?

Identity vs. Crisis

In using the power of discernment, logic and faith as the defining paradigm, the focal point is the relationship between created and creator. Given you are light, the question becomes where do you shine? Not vocationally but socially. Social behavior defines your identity. Recent news demonstrates that.

Don’t blink, you’ll miss it

Did we turn the corner and I missed it? Given all the attention to religious freedom and same sex marriage we must have forgotten the “seek first the Kingdom” thing somewhere along the way and moved on to the religious hot button issue du jure.

Four Square and the Kingdom Come, a kids game

Four square can be used to teach how to build the Kingdom of God on earth.

Must read