In the world of “Pokemon,” a popular video game by Nintendo, a Charmander evolves into a Charmeleon. In the next stage of its evolution the Charmeleon will one day evolve into a Charizard.
Just like Charmander, I would like to think my spirit has gone through an evolution that has made me stronger, wiser and a better person. This change has not come easy. I have gone through what I would consider a “continuous evolution of the human spirit.”
I have been able to do this in two ways. The first has to do with being a journalist.
As a reporter, I have been trained to look at topics objectively, and that every story has multiple sides to it.
While reporting in the field, I usually keep my opinions to myself, unless a source asks me about my thoughts on a particular topic. This has helped me look at many things in a different perspective, and be more open on issues.
Another way I have grown is through my journey with the Lord.
If there are issues I disagree with, he puts it in my heart to look at things from a new angle, even if it doesn’t have necessarily jive with my own faith, which does not happen often. This moment of “seeing a new light,” usually results in a subtle nod of the head, or a shake of an angry fist. In the end, my mind becomes more clear, my heart becomes more open and my spirit evolves.
One day I hope to reach the final stage of this evolution. Maybe I will get to be big and red just like a Charizard.