The war raging in the Holy Land isn’t holy. Like all wars, it horrifies us. Wars throughout the Middle East, occasionally clad in a peek-a-boo veil of “holy war,” have for millennia been secular.
Biblical retribution has its passionate believers and its harsh critics. I don’t plan to resolve those tensions here (or anywhere). But I do offer some biblical insights that may challenge the traditional prejudices about retribution.
I often compared homelessness to a turnstile at a BART station. I was stuck in the turnstile, as its wheels rolled me rapidly around and around. Eventually, I would be spewed out of the turnstile, on one side of the other: either inside or out.
The Lord God made a sacrifice for my sake I cannot fully comprehend. My best response is to yield myself totally into His most capable hands. Because I am His own, I am safe. But there is more. He calls me by name and leads me to pasture.
It is an outrageous political stunt. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis chartering planes to fly immigrants who had just crossed the U.S. border from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard and other locations described as “sanctuary states.”
The movie runs simple. An eleven year old, Riley, moves with her family from Minnesota to San Francisco. She does not like it one bit, and almost runs away by catching a bus back to Minnesota. The brilliance of Pixar’s latest movie is that we go on an adventure in Riley’s mind with her five core emotions to see her motivations. Watching it, I discovered an insight into a theological mystery about Jesus’ crucifixion.