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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Tag: prayer

Life as Kataphatic Prayer

God, I have to believe that you are present in the cacophony of my daily life I cannot believe that the mystical life is incompatible with the marketplace

9 perspectives on prayer – how often do you pray?

Prayer: For some, it is at the core of their daily routine. For others, it is a desperate reach for reassurance. And for still others, it is something to be avoided. Just looking through our own archives, we found several different perspectives. "I pray so that I may live, truly and gratefully."

Breathe, surrender and enhance your prayers, meditation

I think we would all agree that it takes a lot of trust to surrender, or let go of something.

Now without controlling, judging, or changing it, observe your breath.

Keep food prayers short!

There's this great  book by Z Budapest (I don't remember the title. It was a long time ago)

Praying throughout the day

As Diane Kipp mentioned, while Latter-day Saints don't have many set prayers, we pray frequently throughout each day: as families, as individuals, in groups, before meals, out loud or in our hearts.

Is anyone listening?

I don't know that I necessarily have a favorite prayer

We thank God for specific blessings

My favorite prayer is likely the one I've said most recently. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have very few standardized or written/memorized prayers. We pray to thank our Heavenly Father for the specific blessings he has given us, and ask for the specific blessings that we desire, "according to His will." We pray throughout the day

Must read