The Orthodox faith is not a religion; it is "a way of life" with guideposts to aid in each person's journey of life experiences. The will of God for us is to become more like Him by His grace and mercy and, should be understood by all, that a Christian is always a work in progress.
Unhappy? Are you restless? Don’t know why. Feel like something is wrong? Experiencing an uneasiness and a feeling that something is missing and yet cannot discern as to what it might be? Trying to ignore it, yet it still remains?
The Orthodox Study Bible (OSB) is the best English translation of the scriptures. The New Testament (NT) of the OSB is primarily the New King James Version, and the Old Testament (OT) of the OSB is the Septuagint Version.
In the Eastern Orthodox Christian Church, there is no official doctrine or dogma concerning Heaven and Hell. However, they are understood from a consensus of theological opinions and commentary of the saints and church fathers.
The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occurs when a person actively pursues a conscious, continuous, deliberate and malicious attitude of rejecting the Holy Spirit of God, calling God who is good, evi