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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Nicholas Damascus

As an infant, I was baptized as an Eastern Orthodox Christian. However, I would say that becoming a Christian is a work in progress, and I often wonder would there be enough evidence to convict me of becoming a Christian. The Orthodox Church is the ancient Church that Christ and the Apostles established. It is not a religion but rather a way of life. It is not about rules and regulations but rather guide posts to make choices to transition to what we were designed to become. Becoming Orthodox is not a conversion but more so a transformation of self. It’s not about being right: it is about “right being.” In John 14:6, Christ says I am the Way (to love and serve one another), the Truth (there is only one reality), and the Life (that life source is love). I invite you to submit any topics or questions to “Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian” on the website. Join me in finding our way back home to the original teachings of the Church. When you change the way you look at things, things change the way they look.

Salvation as defined by the Eastern Orthodox Church

The most important part of the journey of becoming an Orthodox Christian is what is referred to as theosis. This process is not a one-stop-shop or a one incident conversion, but a lifetime of evolution and transformation of a “life in Christ.”

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: Triune God

One reason why our Christian God is triune would be to allow the condition for God to be love.

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: Heaven, Hell & Purgatory

For those who choose not to love God or are incapable of loving or loving God, this consuming fire (the love of God) is unspeakable anguish and torment for them.

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: Disposing of Vestments

The answer to your question is because they are holy garments used in the representation and worship of God, they are to be regarded and treated with reverence and respect.

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: Prayer Rope

In the Eastern Orthodox faith, this prayer rope is called in Greek a comboskini (κομποσκοίνι ), a braided string of knots tied in a loop usually made of wool but sometimes of other materials.

The Musings of Creation Before the Fall

I have often wondered what the condition of mankind was before the fall. What were his needs or desires, if any? What was his focus?

Ask An Eastern Orthodox Christian: How to dress for church

One should dress modestly, not in a flashy, provocative, flamboyant, or distractive manner that would bring attention to ourselves.

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