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Thursday, November 14, 2024

Lace M. Williams

Dr. Lace M. Williams has spent much of her life studying and seeking theological answers to the questions of what it means to be alive, to be human, to be made in the image of the Creator and to acquire beliefs and the language to express those beliefs. With B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in Scripture, Doctrine and Theology, Williams is interested in examining the biblical languages and writers through the lens of speech act theory. For fun, she spends time with her amazing son, her hero. For delight, she looks to the Triune God, loved ones and nature.

Holding On In The Letting Go In A Pandemic: Bound and Free

It is hard to know when to let life’s moments unfold by accepting what is happening or when to take matters into your own hands and try to change the circumstances.

Holding on in the letting go in a pandemic: Nature’s Door

Things are going as planned until the blow of a diagnosis one day. Is uncertainty the only certainty?

For My Unborn Child: A Mother’s Day Reflection

As Mother’s Day draws near, I pause from the work around the house and yard and your brother’s homework. I take your little blanket out of my hidden drawer and hold it. The blanket that will never touch your skin.

The weight and light of this life: A post-Easter reflection

The weight of this life can become too much. As Michael McDonald sings, “The pain and ache, a heart can take, no one really knows.”

Growing up on the ‘white’ side of town

“White people need to wake up.” In response to all the frightening stories making news concerning ‘New White Supremacy” and rise of the ‘Alt Right,’ I wish to share what life was like growing up in Hayden Lake, Idaho.

Facing the truth about being dishonest as a parent

As a parent, I struggle with whether it is in my son’s best interest to be honest with him all the time. So when a news segment came on recently having to do with parents cheating and lying, I turned up the radio.

Shutting Down: Cruz, Christianity, and the Campaign

To think for oneself can be problematic, especially in politics and religion.

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