53.5 F
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Kyle Franklin

Kyle A. Franklin is a recent graduate of Gonzaga University, where he earned his Master's in Religious Studies. He completed his bachelor's degree in history and religion at Pacific Lutheran University in 2007 and has worked in both the ELCA Lutheran Church and the United Methodist Church.

Helping others this Lenten season

I’ll be honest , I do not think giving up soda or coffee is an effective way to allow God to manifest in our lives. Sorry, depriving your body of caffeine for 40-something days probably will not lead to a greater devotion to God.  If anything, it will lead to distraction based on one’s constant desire for coffee.

When not asking questions leads to judgment

Several years ago, I attended a church with my best friend from college. Overall, I enjoyed the service and appreciated the commitment that the congregation and the leadership had to their beliefs. But I took (and still take issue) with some of the positions the pastor took and their effect on the community at large.

Seeking, understanding differences between rights and privileges

Several years ago, a colleague at Pacific Lutheran University and I planned an outing for a group of 300 student leaders. The outing was a scavenger hunt in Downtown Tacoma for a variety of sites — museums, landmarks and social service organizations — in an effort for them to have a better understanding of what the area has to offer.

Respect the journey — it’s your own

The simple truth is that I am on a journey — a personal, spiritual journey — that is my own.  And I believe that these journeys must be personal.

Help the little drummer boys among us

As I was driving home this evening from a massive amount of errands, the song “Little Drummer Boy” by Jars of Clay came on the radio. This is far from my favorite Christmas song, but the words came to a deeper meaning this particular holiday.

Responding to tragedy with love

Hindsight is not 20/20. Unfortunately, we cannot control the actions or reactions of others — only our own.  And while this is not terribly comforting in times of tragedy, it becomes a challenge for how we choose to act as time goes on.

Determination is a virtue

I will complete my master’s degree next week and, even though I have done quite well, I am still struggling through my Moral Theology course (a second time — the first time I had to drop the course because I could not get a handle on the subject matter).

Must read