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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Jeff Borders

Jeff Borders was born in Spokane, Washington and has lived there since. He is a self published author, focusing in science fiction and fantasy, but he enjoyes writing in all its forms. By trade he is a Respiratory Therapist, but he is also active in his community as a volunteer firefighter, as well as being active in his church. He holds many additional teaching certifications for his fields of employment and he enjoys educating others. Jeff married his wife Crystyne in 2003, and together they have four, very fun and energetic children. His website is www.jeffbordersbooks.com

How Faith and Governance Go Together

It’s here that religion and government intersect. Faith and prayer are vitally important in helping us choose wisely, because most often our principles, values and morals are gained through our faith traditions.

Stop thinking life is supposed to be easy. It’s not.

The gospel life was never meant to be easy. Our spiritual growth should not be predicated on our comfort, but rather in our discomfort.

Addicted to Outrage

It’s crazy the level of absurdity we’ve reached as a culture. We literally have become addicted to outrage.

The Uncivil War We Wage

It may sound a bit dramatic, but there is a civil war raging around us today. Wait, let me rephrase that to be more accurate. It’s more like an un-civil war.

Chris Pratt talks God, faith at MTV awards

As I watched Pratt, I think I sensed that there might have been a little trepidation in his voice, because he was openly talking about God in an era that has become increasingly antagonistic to anyone of faith.

What I learned from a 7-day social media fast

President Nelson counseled “Much of what appears in your social media feeds is distorted, if not fake. So give yourself a seven-day break from fake.”

Teen and Kid Closet provides stylish clothes for homeless, those in foster care

The numbers are staggering. Nearly 11,000 children in the state of Washington are in the foster care system, and some 3,000 children are listed...

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