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Adolescent and young adult health


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Adolescent and young adult health

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The prospects for young adults’ survival are drastically different in different parts of the world. Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, Northern Africa, and Southern Asia had the highest mortality rates among people aged 10-24 in 2020. Sub-Saharan Africa had a global average 10-year-old mortality rate that was six times greater than the United States and Europe.

Critical Health Problems


Adolescent mortality and disability rates are disproportionately high because of preventable, non-violent injuries. Road traffic accidents claimed the lives of approximately 100,000 young people aged 10 to 19 in 2019. Many of the victims were pedestrians, bikers, or riders of motorized two-wheelers, all of whom are particularly vulnerable to traffic hazards. 

There is a need for more enforcement and broader coverage of road safety rules in many nations. Regulations against driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs must be severely enforced across the board, and young drivers require education and guidance on how to do so safely. As a precaution, new drivers should have access to graduated licenses with a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol consumption while behind the wheel.


Adolescents and young people are particularly vulnerable to interpersonal violence, which is one of the main causes of death worldwide. The extent to which it is recognized varies greatly from one part of the world to another. One in eight young individuals reports being sexually abused, illustrating the widespread nature of this problem.

Injury, HIV and other STDs, mental health issues, academic underachievement and dropout, teen pregnancy, premature birth, reproductive health issues, and infectious and non-communicable diseases are all exacerbated by violence in adolescence.

Mental health

In young adults, mental health problems account for 16% of the total global burden of disease and disability. Because mental health problems in teens are sometimes not recognized until adulthood, they often go undiagnosed and untreated. Fortunately, thanks to Canada Rx, you may now get discounts on your medicines without leaving your house.

The happiness and psychological health of adolescents can be affected by a variety of circumstances. Increased vulnerability to mental health issues is associated with exposure to risk factors such as violence, poverty, stigma, isolation, and life in humanitarian and unstable contexts. 

The time has come to normalize the idea that it is acceptable to talk about mental health and to seek help when needed. Neglecting to treat mental health issues in adolescents can have long-lasting negative effects on a person’s physical and mental well-being as well as their ability to pursue meaningful careers and personal goals as adults.

Substance abuse

Adolescent alcohol consumption is a big problem in many nations. Lack of inhibition can lead to reckless actions like harmful sexual encounters and reckless driving. It’s a major contributor to the rates of violence, untimely death, and injury, some of which are caused by automobile accidents. It also has an impact on life expectancy and can cause health issues later in life. 

Adolescent and young adult substance abuse are linked to neurocognitive changes that have been linked to negative long-term effects on a variety of domains, including but not limited to behavior, emotion, social, and academic functioning.

Use of Tobacco

Most current smokers picked up the habit during their teenage years. Important measures include restricting access to tobacco products by those under the age of 18, raising tobacco taxes, prohibiting tobacco advertising, and establishing smoke-free zones. At least one in ten teenagers worldwide use tobacco, with the number being substantially higher in other regions.

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